
What are the side effects of taking synthoid medicine for the thyroid?

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I am taking thyroid medicine, what is the side effect of taking.




  1. I have been on it for over 3 years.  I haven't noticed any adverse side effects.  But if I miss it for a day or 2 I really am tired

  2. At the correct dose, there would be no side effects at all, since synthroid is exactly the same substance that the thyroid wuld normally be producing (aka thyroxine or T4). It just replaces what should be there anyway, so you should feel entirely normal.

    A dose that is too high would have the same effect as hyperthyroidism - feeling hot, agitated, losing weight, shaking. A dose that is too low would mimic hypothyroidism - feeling cold, gaining weight, feeling tired and sluggish.

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