
What are the significant roles of energy in the economic and social progress of a country?

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what i mean in the "energy" is the energy like electricity... not the one that is the ability to do work..

thanks.. ^_^




  1. The historical role of energy use in the social and economic progress of mankind is reviewed and related to current energy policy issues.

    The conflicting aims of energy conservation and of economic growth are analyzed in some detail with particular reference to the developments following the 1973-74 oil embargo and precipitous increase in world oil prices.

    The growing importance of natural gas in the world energy balance is considered in the light of difficulties encountered when supply can no longer meet growing demand and decisions have to be made on alternate means of supplementation.

    In this regard, the issue of the relative economics of electric energy supply and the direct use of hydrocarbon fuels from either petroleum or synthetic sources will be considered

    Energy is essential to economic and social development and improved quality of life. However, sustainable patterns of production, distribution and use of energy are crucial. Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) will continue to dominate the energy supply situation for many years to come in most developed and developing countries. What is required then is to reduce the environmental impact of their continued development, and to reduce local health hazards and environmental pollution through enhanced international cooperation notably in the provision of concessional finance for capacity development and transfer of the relevant technology, and through appropriatenational action.

    In developing countries sharp increases in energy services are required to improve the standard of living of their growing populations. The increase in the level of energy services would have a beneficial impact on poverty eradication by increasing employment opportunities and improving transportation, health and education. Many developing countries, inparticular the least developed, face the urgent need to provide adequate modern energy services, especially to billions of people in rural areas. This requires significant financial, human and technical resources and a broad-based mix of energy sources.

    The objectives envisaged in this section should reflect the need for equity, adequate energy supplies and increasing energy consumption in developing countries and should take into account the situation of countries that are highly dependent on income generated from the production, processing and export, and/or consumption of fossil fuels and that have serious difficulties in switching to alternative sources of energy, and the situation of countries highly vulnerable to adverse effects of climate change.

    Advances towards sustainable energy use are taking place and all partiescan benefit from progress made in other countries. It is also necessary to ensure international cooperation for promoting energy conservation and improvement of energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy and research,and the development and dissemination of innovative energy-related technology.

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