
What are the signs and symptoms of depression?

by Guest64277  |  earlier

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My friend can't seem to accept that anything good will ever happen. She reinforces the negative in everything, and seldom has a positive attitude when talking about her future. She want so many things out of life, but doesn't think she'll ever have anything. Is she depressed, or just being a baby?




  1. Only you know that because you know her and no one here does.  

    What does she do to get the things she wants?  Does she work?  She needs some hobbies or some work to keep her busy.

  2. The symptoms of depression fall into four broad categories: emotional, cognitive, motivational, and somatic/behavioral. Obvious symptoms are sadness (dysphoria), lack of interest in previously pleasurable activities, and reduced energy.


    * Tearfulness and/or episodes of crying

    * Increased irritability, jumpiness, or loss of temper

    * Persistent periods of feeling down, depressed, sad (dysphoric), or blue


    * Excessive or inappropriate guilt

    * Negative thoughts about oneself and the future

    * Lack of self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy or worthelessness

    * Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide (and actual suicide attempts)

    * Difficulty concentrating, remembering information, and making decisions


    * Reduced interest in s*x

    * Fatigue and reduced energy level

    * Feeling unmotivated, or having difficulty getting started in the morning or even getting out of bed

    * Reduced interest in social participation or pleasure in activities that were once perceived as pleasurable

    Somatic and Behavioral:

    * Gaining or losing weight

    * Psychomotor agitation or retardation

    * Changes in sleep habits (insomnia or hypersomnia)

    * Functioning less effectively than usual in work or school

    * Chronic aches and pains that are not caused by physical illness or injury

    Depressed people often have negative self-evaluation that extends to their views of the world and the future. Talk to your doctor if you think you might be depressed.

  3. she may depressed!! symptoms may be lack of interest in doing anything, procrastination, introvert many other things..

  4. here is a link you can test and take a free test to see if you are depressed

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