
What are the signs of a baby yeast infection?

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i was wondering what the signs are of a babies yeast infection. my baby had a high fever, and runny nose, but her urine also smells a little odd. does the urine change odor bc they have colds? and what are signs of a baby yeast or urinary track infection? thanks!




  1. No the urine doesn't change odor due to a cold.  It could change due to dehydration though.  If your child is under 6 months old with a high fever she should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible.  

  2. yeast infection (i take it you mean thrush) shouldn't give a temp but would cause a very, very red sore bottom and in the mouth would manifest as thick white coating on the tounge that doesn't go like milk would and also possible white spots.

    dehydration and uti can cause urine odour changes.

    Best get GP to check baby over

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