
What are the signs of a haunted house?

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  1. if u see ghosts floating around

  2. umm.......

    seeing and hearing demonic noises

  3. Seeing shadow stuff in the corner of your eye. Sometimes they show up right out in broad daylight. Also you have an unsettling feeling like you're being watched by someone (or something). Another sign would be hearing a disembodied voice.

    Happened a long time ago in my old house. Not sure if it was real or my imagination.  

  4. when things are out of the say you start seeing things out the corner of your eye...things go bump in the night and theres no explination for it......i dunno things start falling when theres no reason for them to have fallen...stuff like that. like hearing doors open and footsteps and voices

  5. Look for this sign posted on the front door: "Wanted: Gullible People".


  6. I don't think they exist, but classical haunted house is: ghosts, creaking, things breaking and then fixing themselves, blood coming from faucets, strange noises, gates to h**l, little people stealing babies.

  7. when you feel it is kinda scared

    the house is kinda black and old

    creeping sounds from the stairs


    easy way: when you feel something is not right and when you feel  scared around that house.

  8. a ghost

  9. it's very simple...

    when you enter a house and you don't feel at ease...

    you really feel that there is something else present in that place.

  10. a really old house one that was built near the civil war times. lights flickering at night when you know the place is deserted. cold spots in the house its self. shadows moving, that sorta thing

  11. You might hear someone tapping on the window and when you look you don't see anybody. You might feel like someone is looking at you but no one is there. You hear someone call your name and when you ask if anybody call you your family says no. You might feel cold although the house is supposed to be warm. You see shadows moving past quickly. You hear strange noises that cannot be accounted for.

  12. cold whispers,cold sweats when you sleep **** like dat i guess  

  13. Um... many previous owners with no one living there for very long because of experiences?

    Thought I'd find something meant for fun, but actually found this tough, might help?

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