
What are the signs of a mare in heat?

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I have a mare who is about 10 years old. After we brought her home from fair she began acting funny. She seems more moody and she's eating way more than she usually does. And she doesn't seem to want to stand still. Is she in heat? And what are the signs of her being in heat?




  1. Most mares in heat will urinate frequently, little spurts of urine rather than a long bladder release. It's the natural way that they would announce to stallions that they are ready. You may also see the v***a invert a little bit after these short urinations. It's called "winking", and it's a fairly good sign that the mare is in season.

    Many mares become more agitated, more sensitive, when they are in heat. This can look like restlessness, moodiness, like they can't or don't want to pay attention. Each heat period generally lasts between 5 and 7 days.

    You can help her out by being a calm and warm presence around her. If it feels good to you to talk to her, to just let her know what's coming next, then please do! She may not understand the words you are saying, but she will feel more connected with you as you open yourself to her at the same time.

    She is more sensitive at these times, and it helps to provide her with a sense of security. Do your best to be understanding that she's got a lot going on, and groom her slowly and gently, touch her with calm hands, when you halter her, ride or work with her, keep a steady pace and keep yourself gently focused. She will be more likely to look to you as a trusted leader if you show her confidence, compassion, relaxation, and you are fair in what you ask of her.

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