
What are the signs of an autistic child???/?

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What are the signs of an autistic child???/?




  1. Depends on how severe the autism is ...My twin son Thomas is nine and has severe autism non verbal also, Thomas was the first to speak then it stopped then the lack of mixing or wanting to play with his twin sister or us, no eye contact, no speech (autistic children are not all the same some do talk but some repeat whats said) interests in objects for Thomas its yellow pages phone books shop logos looking at angles of things, i have videos of Thomas on youtube i have added the link below, Thomas also  rocks in the chair and lines bricks in rows, Thomas is also in nappies .

  2. The no eye contact thing ,but my son has always made eyecontact,and so has every other autistic kid I you can`t go by that.Toe walking,sensitive hearing.They may cover thier ears at certain noises.Obsessive compulsive behavior,playing with toys,inapropriately.Like lining up toys.spinning the wheels of a toy car.Carrying around an object all day,like a straw or wooden spoon.May not like thier hair washed,or combed.Hard to cut nails,and dressing is difficult.Hand flapping,flicking fingers in front of eyes,stares at ceiling fans,or the credits at the end of a movie,retipetive speech,or slow speech,or no speech.These kids have food allergys,and multiple vitimin and mineral deficiencys.Temper tantrums,hates change in routine.Bowel problems.Check out the book Children With Starving Brains.Also check out the autism research institute.Check out some of the autism bio-med groups on yahoo groups.Autism is reversable if caught early,and alternative medicine is the only way to reverse it.

  3. To quote the ASA (not all of these must be present for dx, some autists show maybe two or three)

    Insistence on sameness; resistance to change

    Difficulty in expressing needs, using gestures or pointing instead of words

    Repeating words or phrases in place of normal, responsive language

    Laughing (and/or crying) for no apparent reason showing distress for reasons not apparent to others

    Preference to being alone; aloof manner


    Difficulty in mixing with others

    Not wanting to cuddle or be cuddled

    Little or no eye contact

    Unresponsive to normal teaching methods

    Sustained odd play

    Spinning objects

    Obsessive attachment to objects

    Apparent over-sensitivity or under-sensitivity to pain

    No real fears of danger

    Noticeable physical over-activity or extreme under-activity

    Uneven gross/fine motor skills

    Non responsive to verbal cues; acts as if deaf, although hearing tests in normal range.


    The fact is that kids with autism CAN make eye contact, and they can show affection. they CAN talk, some very well, just oddly.

  4. Usually restless

  5. If autism is suspected in a child they have to usually be referred to a clinical psychologist for a diagnosis. The child must then be classed as having a triad of impairments ie, lack of eye contact, no socialising skills etc. I know from personal experience with my own child from the day she was born she was different. She never slept, cried all the time, would not look anyone in the eye and used to flap. Even though she displayed the classic symptoms of an Autistic Spectrum Disorder is had taken 8 years to get her fully diagnosed. All children's behaviour at sometimes could mirror behaviour of a child with an ASD but as they become older and perhaps more solitary and out of sync with everyone else it does become more noticeable. Girls tend to cover up and cope with the signs of an ASD much better than boys. Hope this helps.

  6. Two signs that should set off an alarm, failure to point..failure to wave, (as in wave bye, bye). These are very early warning signals.


    I work with 5 autistic kids in my community - I am a speech path.  You can look at all of the "characteristics", and usually an autistic child will have a good many of them, not just one or two.  There are other syndromes that fall under the "Autism Spectrum" - Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Aspergers, etc.  If you are concerned about your child, take him or her to a pediatric specialist, or to your local special education system.  They can give you lots of info.  I find the most common characteristics (at least in the kids I've worked with over the years) are toe walking, speaking in a sing-song or "odd" tone of voice, flapping of hands, lining things up rather than playing with them appropriately, not responding to their name, and no/weak social skills.  Characteristics usually show up prior to age 3.

  8. here are some possible Indicators of Autism Spectrum Disorders...

        * Does not babble, point, or make meaningful gestures by 1 year of age

        * Does not speak one word by 16 months

        * Does not combine two words by 2 years

        * Does not respond to name

        * Loses language or social skills

        * Poor eye contact

        * Doesn't seem to know how to play with toys

        * Excessively lines up toys or other objects

        * Is attached to one particular toy or object

        * Doesn't smile

        * At times seems to be hearing impaired

    hope this one  answers your question..

  9. go to the autism society of america website. i think they have the best info. remember the earlier the intervention the better.

  10. if they do not respond to their name by 1 year old and they can hear they may be autistic

  11. late talking, hand waving/flapping, little eye contact... just google autisms symptoms and you will have info ad nauseum

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