
What are the signs of drug addicted person, I suspect that my ex ?

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husband use drug , I am very concerned , because he takes our son once or twice in a month to his place. I have to find a way to prove it , then I can allow him to visit our son only in my place. I want he visit his son every day but I see he is very angry and being in relationship with his mistress does not help either because she by being the mistress of my husband already caused the divorce and she never stops putting me down by saying that she is an immigrant she is from third world country and so on.. but I am very educated and coming from a very good family, I know that cheating on my husband or anything is not right and I have great values which I pass it to my son, she makes fun of my religion and unfortunately has great influence on my ex husband, because apparently she kills herself to satisfy him physically and influence him mentally, I know my ex husband , he was so much in love with me and my family, he never mentioned the things that he is saying now, it is like he is not talking from his own heart or brain. I wish I could help him I really did not want divorce him but I gave him many times chances and finally I saw he has changed a lot and does not love his family anymore, that is why I was wondering may be he is depend on drug and and s*x, which is provided by this woman. I really want to leave quieter with My son and provide him the best environment for his life and education. But I am often sad and crying because of him. our son feels that that he became very sad too. please help me and let me know how I can prove that he is using drug with this woman.




  1. if you want to know if he is doing drugs... ask him....  and if were a parent in a position where my child was possibly being left in a dangerous situation, such as drug use.... i would not allow my child to be around that type of environment...  if the ex-husband truly values the time he has with his kiddo... then have him submit a drug test... do you have custody of the kid? was it court ordered? if so, then you can take him to court and have him do a drug test in order for him to retain visitation...  lastly!!!!! it seems as though he has moved on, as far as his love for you... as pain full as it may be,  maybe it is time for YOU to move on and find someone new.. because in the long run, whether the dad is using drugs or not, the mental anguish you are going through will filter down to your kiddo... i promise you that... some of us out here are product of that...

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