
What are the signs of ovulating?

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and what are the the things you most definatley have to have to get pregnant?

do you need to get your period first?

do you have to ovulate?

whats ewcm?do you need that too?

i am only young(19) but want to concieve and im jus finding out all these new words and everything that could and couldnt happen... i didnt realise ttc is hard for some situation is i was on depo for about a year then stoped in novemeber of last year, i havnt had no show of gettn my period bak anytime soon,i dont know if im ovulating or not coz i dont know the signs and stuff,and me and my partner want to have a baby but it seems like theres more to it then just havin s*x!!!!

please help,and good luck to every1 who is trying!!!!




  1. My hubby and I just started trying this month, don't know if we're preggers or not.  Anyway I read a book called "Taking Control of Your Fretility" by Toni W....can't think of the last name but this book is absolutley amazing in explaining what you need to know about getting pregnant.  You can get  it at any book store and I ordered it on line at barnes and noble.  

  2. Your eyes crossing.  Your nostrils flaring.  Big toe nail growing faster than usual.  Purple pee.  

  3. Coming off of Depo can take up to 10 months or so to resume normal periods.  If you haven't gotten your period back by one year, (maybe sooner), I'd check with your doc and have them find out why your period hasn't resumed.

    Basically, your cycle goes like this (for most women):

    You have your period.  First day of full flow (saturates a pad, not just "some blood when I wipe") is considered day 1 of your cycle.  If you have what is considered a "normal" cycle, you will have your period again in 28 to 30 days.  You will ovulate around days 14 to 16.  You should notice a very stretchy, usually clear, and very wet-feeling lube called "egg-white" in the few days before and possibly the day of ovulation.  If you notice egg-white, you should have s*x until you do not notice the egg-white anymore (if you are trying to get pregnant, that is!)  Then you wait 2 weeks or so, and see if your period comes.  If it does, then you try again, and again....  :)

    Being 19, you are more likely to have an easy time of it getting pregnant, so try a few months looking for the egg white and trying to time intercourse during the middle of your cycle, but especially when you see the egg-white.

    If after a few months you haven't succeeded, then pick up some ovulation predictor kits (pee on a stick) which has some paperwork inside that will tell you when to begin testing based on your cycle length.  Have s*x whenever you want, but definitely on the day you get a positive test result, and perhaps the day after just to be sure.

    If THAT doesn't work after a few more months, you should read Toni Weschler's book, Taking Charge of Your Fertility and follow some of her guidelines.

    Once you have been trying a year with no luck, it's time to see your doctor who can run some tests.

    Good luck-baby dust!

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