
What are the signs that a cat is going to die?

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My friend recons that cats show signs that they are going to die, she says things like loosing weight and starting to loose controll of their bodies.

I dont believe her though.

Are there signs that a cat is about to die, if so what are they,.

By the way I do not have a cat! It just came up in a random conversation we were having!




  1. bearthing?

  2. First of all, pulakesulake you're sick!

    Anyway, cats usually die when they are very weak, e.g. if they have been suffering from an illness for a long time until their body can't take it anymore x

  3. heart stops

  4. Being Quiet Not Being Them Self's, Not Eating, White Poo, Just Hide away In Corner, The Breathing gets weaker Until it eventually Stops

  5. lol - depends on what is causing the cat to die.

    If your cat was hit by a car, ingested something toxic, passed blood clot, mauled by a dog, euthanized, etc, your cat is not going to show signs.

    If your cat has kidney failure, diabetes, liver failure, etc, you may see excessive drinking, weight loss, excessive urination, decreased appetite.

    Cats with heart issues may show lethargy, stroke, increased respiration, labored breathing.

    Various cancers show many different symptoms depending on where they are located.

    Various viruses cause weight loss, nasal/ocular discharge, sneezing, coughing, distended stomach, etc.

    The moral of the story is that you are going to see signs of an illness first. If left untreated, then the illness might cause death. Just like people, the symptoms are related to the cause.

  6. Anything weird that happens.

    Maybe you had an overweight happy cat that stops eating and wants to be left alone? If you had a cat you'd know. It may not even mean he's dieing maybe he's ill?

  7. I can't do cats, but I know about bunnies.

    They give you a sort of funny look and then go floppy.

  8. the cat old? Does it have a disease? Is it in pain?  Just the loss of weight doesn't mean it's going to die.  And some cats become unable to control urine and all when it's sick or hurt.  So, the answer is.....depends on the situation.

  9. Usual signs are when a cat completely stops eating & drinking, constantly hiding away & not showing any interest in its surroundings at all or interacting with its owners. Failing to use the litter tray can sometimes happen too. Thinness not always a sign

  10. There are a variety of signs that may predict your cats oncoming death!

    I must admit that any animal that starts to loose weight, condition and control of bodily functions should be looked at by your local vet and the decision ( this should also be made by yourself ) should be made for their future well being!

    However, there are a number of other guidlines.....

    1) - They stop breathing! Sometimes this can coincide with all four legs pointing in the wrong upwards :)

    2) - They smell!...Dont take this as a 'given' that if your cat smells then it means that they are dead! Lots of very lively cats smell bad!! But a lack of movement usually confirms death....although this also is not certain proof :)

    3) - They can show suicidle tendancies!!!.....for instance....

    They take up jogging along motorways!

    They take to visiting 'Longleats' safari park. ( If they are Toms...Don't expect them to return from the Lions enclosure :)

    If they do not live near a 'Safari Park' then avoid them visiting the local 'Dog Pound'!

    Try to scare them away from Falconry Centres!

    Please remember...not all advice is good advice :)

  11. they lose there grip and ther jumping abilty they are slow runner and walkers  

  12. Firstly, their tails drop off, and then they say (in a whispery voice)...

    "I'm... going... to... DIE!... Help... me"

  13. When my cat had leukemia, my mother explained to me that when cats get sick and know they're going to die they 1) stop eating and drinking, 2) stop cleaning themselves, and 3) go hide somewhere to die in peace without being bothered.

    We had my cat put to sleep by the vet before she got to stage 3.

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