
What are the signs that a girl likes you ?

by  |  earlier

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Apart from

- slight touching

- laughing at jokes

- talking excessively with you

- stalking you

- etc.. need refreshing ideas..the others are too cliches..probably even a 15 year old girl would know and do just to make the guy feel so..




  1. finding every excuse to be around you

  2. - Wondering who you like, and asking you.

    - Talking to your friends about you.

    - You can catch her looking at you at times.

  3. looking at you then when you look she looks away

    catching your eye and smiling

    getting nervous around you

    finding reasons to be around you (walking the opposite way to class going near your locker ext.)

    when you talk to another girl she looks at you while trying to be discrete

    that's all the things i do good luck

  4. if she looks u from head to toe

    other than that u got them all

  5. sometimes we will

    -look at you when your not looking and you catch us

    -try to be close to you

    -stutter when we talk

    -blush when we are around you

    -try and do funny things to impress you

  6. When a girl suddenly is interested in what you did for the evening and with whom and sounding concern when you suddenly did not turn up for work.

  7. these are a few things that i have noticed

    -Ignores you

    -always talks about you to her friends.

    -the way she looks at you

    -waiting for you and pretends to be waiting for someone else.

  8. well you've pretty much nailed it. but you could've put staring at you, but that could probably be put under stalking you... hope I helped.  

  9. -Stutters

    -Avoids you

    -Tries to show off in front of you.  

  10. Pretending that you're annoying. Remember that show Hey Arnold? Helga & Arnold scenario. For ex) Walking past his locker in the morning doing his homework for 1st period, shouting out "tisk tiskkkkk" or making fun of him for wearing socks with sandals. I've done all of these =) Simple, cute ways of flirting.

  11. -staring at u until u catch us then looking away when u notice.

    -either looking in your eyes or at your lips when your talking


    -smiling a lot when your just near her

    -stammering our words

    Hope I Helped! :)

  12. - Texts you all the time

    - Emails you all the time

    - IMs you all the time

    - Shows off in front of you

    - Smiling at you

    - Always trying to impress you

    - Looking for ways to talk to you

    - Talking louder and laughing just so you look her way

    - Goes to all of your games

    - When you notice she dresses differently when she knows shes gonna see you.

    - Walks by your locker even though she has no classes that way

    - Always trys to walk beside you when your going to class, lockers. or lunch.

    Hope I helped



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