
What are the signs that a shy teenage boy likes you? 10 points best answer!?

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like list as many signs as you can that you think a shy guy shows when they like you...does one of them include not making eye contact when talking to you? Thanx oh yeah, he goes to a diff. school than me so i dont know if he is like that with all girls cuz everytime ive seen him, there were no other girls our age around




  1. Eye contact

    Stealing glances at you when he thinks you're not looking


    He might blush a bit

    Tries to look good and tries to seem sporty and athletic

  2. that could be one of them ,the others would be :

    behave so much politely to you

    try to finish the talking with you and go away as quick as he can

    while he is leaving you he might shake his head some how

    he will be so much nervous  that he cant talk nicely

    if he knows that he's going to see you he would really try to looks good (hair style and things that he wear) but if you suddenly see him in the street you will feel the differences between these 2 situations.


  3. - If he is a shy guy, check for signs of nervousness: nervous laughter, sweaty palms, fidgeting, etc. Unless he's scared of public speaking and is about to make a presentation, it just might be that he's nervous about making an impression on someone he fancies (hopefully you).

    -He might blush.

    - If he likes you, his body position will lean forward toward you.

    - Keep close. Ever get the feeling that somebody is "in" your personal space - so much so that you want to step back? If he likes you, and you like him, neither of you will step back.

    - Notice his eye contact. If he likes you, he'll get it and hold it.

    - Be aware of touching. He might put his hand on your arm when he laughs, or not move his leg if it happens to touch yours. This is a very good sign that he likes you.

    - Watch for him showing interest in things you like and do.

    - Joke freely. Does he laugh, even if you aren't funny?

    - He'll smile at you when he looks at you. And when you smile at him he'll give you a big smile back.

    - Sometimes a guy that likes you will puff out his chest to make him look more manly and impressive.

    -He'll act a bit foolish to get your attention. He'll talk to you lots.

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