
What are the signs that your cat is about to give birth to kittens?HELPPPPPPP!!!!

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My Cat Maddie is Meowing a whole lotb and is hiding behing this curtain thing in this wagon outside and it's in the total dark pretty much and i keep calling her name and she won't come out, and she follows me EVERYWHERE? Is she about to give birth? HELP? And I told her to lead me to her kittens because i had this crazy idea that she has some, but we checked under the curtain and there was nothing in there.




  1. they hurt so they start to wine all the time.

  2. don't worry if she meows alot that means she is about to give birth shortly after an hour my cat did this she will not eat or drink she will just meow try to take her to vet to give birth there better  

  3. when she will have kittens very shortly, she wont be as active, wont eat as much, and will lay on her side more then her stomach

  4. try this:

    hope it helps

  5. Well I would think so because my cat used to do the exact same things. If you didn't see the kittens behind the curtain the she could have moved them some where else. Cats are very private with things like that, but you will find out where the kittens are soon because she trusts you because she was following you around before she gave birth. You would't believe it but she really wanted you to be there for comfort that's how you can know that she trust you and that's why she followed you. Just be patient and just try to follow her around every now and then and you will find out where she put the kittens if there are any.

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