
What are the signs that your partner is cheating?

by  |  earlier

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i saw hes fone and he was texting other women dirty stuff and he has posted himself on dating websites




  1. I would say you've just about covered it!

  2. Wow, that is not right. You need to confront him about this.

  3. Ask him, flat-out and face-to-face, about his recent text/on-line activities.  If he's cheating, he will most likely become defensive and try to 'flip' the discussion around onto you, instead of himself. ***I swear there's a college course, somewhere, teaching ppl how to become experts in this tactic***  He may even make you feel guilty for thinking that he would possibly do something like cheat on you.  The 'how dare you' defense is what I like to call it.  However, I would say that the activities you have listed above, pretty much give you the answer you are seeking.  The question now becomes this:  Are you going to listen to that alarm going off in your head, or bury your head in the sand, ignoring it instead???  

  4. You don't need signs. He is cheating. Other signs are: making excuses to leave home, coming home late, showering more often, more cologne than he use to wear, a change in sexual desire (less or more). He argues more, and keeping his phone off limits to name a few.  

  5. BINGO BANGO. he is cheating !!!!!!!!  

  6. Those are good signs.

  7. Just what you posted in your question is cheating!!!!

  8. The text messages were a good sign, and from now on just pay close attention to him, his attitude, and the way he acts in general. When a man is cheating, they just change. Like its a sudden change out of nowhere, and thats a sign of a new influence in his life, more than likely another woman.  

  9. His wiener tastes like another girl.

  10. hes fone?

  11. Well.. those two things are pretty big signs.  What are you waiting for? To walk in on him motorboating your sister?  He's cheating sweetheart.

  12. yeah that might be a sign or two

  13. Those are some big, flashing, red signs.  Don't ignore them!  Find someone you can trust...

  14. Unexplained absents... where is she/he?

    No s*x drive

    Becomes secretive

    Ignores you

    Takes 7 hours to go get hair done or grocery shop

    and the obvious - holes are bigger then usual

  15. u just mentioned them

  16. Means nothing...ignore it.

    Jesus, Mary and Joseph.....

  17. talk to him about it.. don't back down.. I'm sure he will have a good reason.. be confident and strong.. you deserve better...

  18. This is not what a decent man does when he has one important woman in his life that he cares for. It means he is looking for something better than he already has if the right one comes along through those dating websites. The biggest sign that your partner is cheating on you is right there in front of you with that deep sick feeling in the pit of your stomach.A man that puts himself into that kind of temptation to do you wrong cannot be trusted let alone trust these woman that he connects with. It is up to you what you are willing to tolerate to keep this man in your life because if he respected you and cared about your feelings he would not be doing this.Your partner is putting a lot of energy into into what he is doing when he could be choosing to spend it on you in this relationship and that would be unacceptable to me.

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