
What are the signs to know my cat is going into labor ?

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My cat is do any day she has bobbies full of milk but i dont know when she is going to go into labor.How do i tell?




  1. What are the signs of labour?

    About 24 hours prior to going into labour your cat may become restless, uninterested in food and begin making a "nest". Her v***a may be swollen and have a clear mucous discharge.

    Abdominal contractions will then commence, the queen will strain and the first kitten should be born within 1 to 2 hours. The placental membrane often ruptures ("breaking of the waters") prior to the kitten being born but is not always the case and some kittens are born completely covered in their membranes.

  2. for some reason the cats i've had in the past didn't like to give birth alone. If you cat seems to yowl at you alot follow it and it will show you to the place where it will give birth. This of course is not the rule it also depends on how well the cat trusts you. Mine preferred closets.

    The others gave better technical advice though.

  3. They will follow you around and there is not that much blood the mum cleans everything herself i have sat with my hand stroking my cat in her basket as she has had four kittens and purred the whole way through every now and then there is a grunt but they do it themselves and any who are not going to live the mum senses it and try as you might that kitten will not live trust me so leave it to who knows best and that is the mum good luck

  4. She will start pacing and nesting (finding a place to give birth). If she is close to you she will likely come up to you (thats what mine did). She will leak a bit of fluid before she goes into labor. You might want to have some small scissors and dental floss nearby. When my cat (a pregnant stray I took in) had babies there were some problems and I had to cut the umbilical cord of two of them and release on of them from there sac. Oh she will likely start panting from the stress as well. and I would have a bunch of towels down because there is a lot of blood.

  5. Many cats will make a spot for themselves, some cats depending on the personality will become more needy and almost scared right before (this is what my cat did) Or they can become distant and don't want to be touched or socialized. When my cat was Prego we looked up how to make her a place to give birth, let her get use to it. It has to be in a space that does not have a lot of traffic, preferably dark and cozy so your cat will feel safe. We chose our bedroom closet. Just set up some towels and a box if she chose to go into it.

    Your cat will go into labor when she and the kitties are ready, nothing to worry about for the most part. Try paying attention to her behavior noting anything out of the ordinary.  

  6. Hey Taylor, so you were right, she was prego after all... :>)

    You've got lots of good advice here, but inconsistent.

    There may or may not be a mess.  Have a place she wants to go prepared for her.  I'm guessing she's an inside kitty??

    She will likely let you know when labor begins.  She'll be restless, and often talkative.  It's a natural process and normally she shouldn't require assistance, but as mentioned, it does happen so the scissors isn't a bad idea.

    If she's an outside kitty, she's probably found her own safe place by now and you may or may not know when she's having them.

      Just relax......... It'll happen and all will be well.

  7. You can tell 24 hours before, if she steals blankets and pillows and stuff to make a soft place or right away if she goes to that place or if she goes away and lies down in private to give birth.

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