
What are the similarities bet.Quantum theory and oriental philosophy?

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Have heard that the implications of the quantum theory are similar to chinese and Indian philosophy




  1. Quantum-integral medicine has much in common with Oriental medicine because Oriental medicine is based on Oriental philosophy. These are based on ideas that have much in common with quantum physics and chaos and complexity theories. Traditional Oriental scientific belief says life is a great web that moves in wavelike motions; an action in one area of the web can cause an unpredictable effect in another part of the web. This, in essence, is the science underlying quantum physics and chaos theory and also the gist of quantum-integral medicine.

    See source 1

    'The constituents of the atom are dynamic configurations which don't exist as isolated quantifiable entities, but as integral parts of an interdependent network of interaction.'

    See source 2

  2. First of all, which Oriental philosophy do you mean? There are many.  There is one in which Aristotle's concept of the "excluded middle" is rejected, which I believe is that of the Tao, but I am no expert.  This is the idea that a statement can be both true and false.  Some of Niels Bohr's declarations have been seen that way, but I do not know if any of those are in his serious writings-not that I know of, anyway.  The only serious writer on quantum mechanics that I am acquainted with who interpreted quantum mechanics in this way, was Hans Reichenbach, but his position is considered controversial.  In any case, it is easier to say that Quantum Mechanics obeys such rules than to put them into scientific practice yourself, which applies to Reichenbach as well.

  3. None.

    Physics (and science in general, but physics most notably) is incompatible with philosophy.  

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