
What are the situatuions?

by Guest62094  |  earlier

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What are the situations that hinder the youth from being joyful, productive, and enthusiastic members of their family, school, and church? What are the effects of these hindrances on the beliefs and personality of the youth generation and their interaction in society?




  1. its just where society is right now.  i just finished my freshman year of college and for four years of high school i watched some of my brightest friends have their futures completely derailed by apathy and bad choices.  i truly believe that it comes from my generations desire for immediate gratification.  everything has been at our fingertips for our entire lives and when that first challenge comes along its easy to avoid it with things that we can have right now.  that is our fault, but i think also think that parents are to blame.  50 years ago families sat down to dinner and talked about their days.  parents were aware of the things going on in their children's lives and not only encouraged but demanded a certain amount of hardwork.  i was fortunate enough to have a mother drive me to school in the morning and to pick me up asking me about my day and for 19 years my father never missed a baseball game or a golf tournament.  i know i am extremely lucky to have this, but i don't understand why it is so difficult for parents to communicate with their children.  i live on my own now and go to school but i still talk to at least 1 of my parents every day.  i'm wasn't coddled and my parents weren't overprotective, they actually let me make several mistakes just so i would learn from them, but i call my dad just to tell him about something funny that happened or when i'm angry about something.  i also speak with my grandparents on a regular basis.  i know this is by no means normal in America today, but it should be.  i hope to God i'm half the father my dad was to me.  if i can manage that i think my kids will be alright.  parents are more concerned with the next raise or promotion than they are their children.  the affect is that it turns into a vicious cycle because we in turn grow up to do the exact same thing.  its the evolution of American society.  i'm by no means an exception because all of my close friends are in college.  the difference my most successful friends grew up in similar situations to me.  as a generation we still interact with society, but over the internet and through text messages.  our generation is becoming increasingly impersonal and our communication skills have suffered.  we're a very spoiled generation, but i think we will do fine.  its just going to be a culture shock to many when hardwork becomes a necessity to survival.

  2. It`s the signs of the time my friend. Bible says that at the end of days youth shall become un-joyful, un-productive, un-enthused members of their families, schools, and churches! for your second question....lets ask Jerry Springer...

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