
What are the slogan on global warming?

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What are the slogan on global warming?




  1. "Four legs good, two legs bad."

    Edit:  Apparently, no one here's read Animal Farm.

  2. 1.Global Warming-Global Warning

    2.Earth is yours,save it from Global Warming

  3. Soylent Green

    This was the first propaganda film made following the publishing of the new bible of the national socialist environmental crusade called the Limits to Growth from the billionaires club of the world called the club of Rome. This book was written assuming the false precept that humanity has already located and is using all of the resources that it will ever have. These people have a religious fear of space and that if we go into space we might draw the attention of some other race already out there that is badder than we are. It is there intention to confine humanity to the surface of this one planet and never allow us to go out into the universe to build the new frontier and use the resources lying only a few miles above our heads.

    We can reduce pollution and economize on resources by mining the moon, the asteroid belt and the moos of other planets. Need Methane (Natural gas) the moon Titan has more than humanity could use in a million years. Need water, there is more water ice in orbit around the planet Saturn than 100 earth’s. The only thing holding the world back from a bright and prosperous future is the groveling religious fear that those who are promoting the AGW fraud have of space, mentally all of them belong back in the caves where they do not have to look at the stars and experience that fear that clouds their minds every time they look up at night.

  4. Cooling tech makes Global Warming..!

  5. Climate Change

  6. Pro

    *  You break you buy, you pollute you die.

        * We're burning our children's inheritance.

        * Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we roast.


        * Burn clothing - support global warming.

    I like the con..

    There is an Underwear cartoon that PROVES  global warming is real.. ROTFL

    See you wanted it is...

    (Just kidding...seriously it is a hoax).

  7. We don't need one.

  8. global warming goes for dooming.

    go for greenary; good for earth.

  9. Global Hoax.  And, being the leading EMS Stormchaser of 11 years.  Global Warming is the biggest tax defraud in the history of the US Government worse than IRS and Federal Reserve Act combined.  There is no Global Warming.  We are still getting out of the Ice Age.

  10. "Make Gore Richer at Your Expense" or "Science Fiction Theater"

    Gore says "we must all make sacrifices"

    Where are his?

    Where are those from the Hollywood half-wits?

  11. And the blind will lead the blind.

  12. Dumb and Dumber

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