
What are the so called "scientific studys" being done to whales by China?

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Also how much longer are these "scientific studys" going to go on for? Surely they're going to come up with an "answer" soon.




  1. They're not being done by China.  Try Japan.

    In the case of the Japanese, as is widely known, whale blubber is considered tasty.  The "studies" appear to have more to do with supplying that market.  As conservationists are concerned more with conserving species than with tut-tutting about the appetites of other people, a certain amount of compromise has been found to be judicious.  If they were to take a harder line with condemnation and outrage, then that would probably result in the Japanese whaling industry resorting to a more damaging course of action.

    It's worth bearing in mind that extinction for several oceanic species seemed imminent in the 1970s.  They're actually still with us over a third of a century later.  The one cetacean that may have gone extinct since then is the Yangtse dolphin.  A 2006 expedition couldn't find any.  However, if extinct, that had nothing to do with whaling.

  2. "It's worth bearing in mind that extinction for several oceanic species seemed imminent in the 1970s. They're actually still with us over a third of a century later."

    Yes, this is true thanks to a complete ban on further hunting of these animals and additional protection of their breeding grounds.  

  3. yeah its japan

    and here is one can u cross breed a whale and a cow (no joke this is why they kill loads of whales each year to answers the need to know questions not because it makes the a shed load of cash)

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