
What are the social, economic and environmental impacts of a flood?

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  1. social: displaced people who are forced to move from a certain area and take refuge... other people moving in to do the repairs, profit, and the renewal of a population of a place... nearby unaffected cities get a surge in population while the afflicted area decreases in population.

    Economic: Damages done to homes and businesses, the cost of rebuilding, the shortage of basic human needs - and the decrease in population affects the economy of the affected area...

    Environmental: In the short term, it causes much damage to surrounding wildlife - animals are forced to flee, vegetation is destroyed... but in the long run - flooding has a positive impact on the environment - making soil more fertile, and vegetation more lush and favorable to the growth of many species...  

  2. Why?  Google type Katrina and you will find load of information, if I am going to type it will take days

  3. Social: Well just think how it changes the way you interact with others. Would it bring you closer or further apart from particular people?

    Economic: Costs. The government would have to pay to fix the damage the flood created.

    Environmental: Well pretty obviouse. Floods change the environment. flooded areas. may cause a risk of disease from diseases breeding in stagnant(Still) water.

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