Especially regarding raising children. I have a four year old son who loves to be outside, but is very fair skinned. I dont let him out between the hours of 11 and 4, because even with a good sunblock he burns.
Now my father griped, "When I was a child, we spent all day outside. It didn't hurt us."
Whats different now? Alot, actually. The planet itself has changed. Thinner ozone means higher U.V dangers. This is especially difficult on young children, and old people.
Then too, higher temperatures make the playground scalding and dangerously hot for certain hours of the day.
My son brings his little spiderman umbrella on the hottest days when we need to go outside in the early afternoon, and people look at him oddly for it.
I wonder what other everyday things are going to be changing for people, because of hotter days?