
What are the solid agreed points among the human race??

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What are the solid agreed points among the human race??




  1. Everyone dies, and eating well is living well. I don't think everyone agrees on anything else.

  2. The love of money is the root of all evil

  3. Do you mean there are some?

  4. We can agree on nothing.

  5. greed, lust , pride

  6. Humans are intensely social animals so solid agreed points

    would lie in the field of human interaction.

    Humans all crave for  a sense of belonging.

    Every Human being will develop or follow moral guidelines.

    Every human being has an inbuilt curiosity.

    Human beings will categorise things to create a sense of order in their life or society.

    Human beings will consider random murder a crime.

    Theft is unacceptable in any society.

    Every human will resent an invasion of his privacy.

    Every society feels the need to protect and care for their children.

    Every society will develop  a hierarchy ( Pecking order ).

    Every human being is capable of deceit.

    And every society will feel protective about their possessions/

    achievements, and their core values.

  7. Love...It's the standard answerer.  Example; Can't find it,  didn't have it, lost it, blew it, regret it, need it,  want it,  etc...etc...  etc...

  8. Truth, love, peace. although  what is seen to the eye in general is mixed messages.

  9. The golden rule gets a lot of evolutionary support.

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