
What are the solutions to our mounting energy crisis?

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We all know gas prices are high. I think they will only get higher, save some dips in the off-season. The issue is all the energy we use, not just our cars. Some say alternative fuels. Is it possible to simply switch over to ethenol? No. Should we be thinking about the way we live, our infrastructure, public transportation, how far and often we drive?

The cost of heating and cooling our homes will also continue to rise. Is there significant wind and solar technologies as an alternative? Nuclear, coal, hydro? What do you think?




  1. I think we should have the power hooked up to bicycles and have all the fat obese children have to ride them to create energy.  Have that energy stored up to be used at a later point.  Ok, so that was a dumb answer but it was funny to me. I could just picture it.

    We need to have a house that is solar powered but has a way to store the excess energy that isn't used.  Like that one guy who's entire house is self dependent.  Course it's ridiculously expensive but it'll eventually come around

  2. The market will solve the problems.  When we really DO start running out of oil, coal and natural gas the price will go up (believe me, $3 per gallon will seem cheap).  This will force conservation of fossil fuels and the development of alternative fuels.  The market will solve these problems faster and better if it is left alone by governments.

  3. Better technology is the answer. Maybe fusion power. Maybe better solar cells or methods of making bio fuel from sewage or other waste. More efficient machines that use less energy. Or combinations of all those.

  4. I think it's time for our government to make the oil companies stop making such HUGE gains on their bottom line at the expense of the 'little' people (consumers).  I state this knowing that our government is in the pocket of the oil companies and until we get this administration out of office nothing will happen.  2008 can't come too soon for me.  

    I think we all need to do what we can to cut down on our fuel consumption and waste but I don't think that that's the real problem.

  5. Americans need to drive smaller cars which use less fuel.  I wouldn't drive a vehicle that took $80 to fill up.  Carpooling would also help a lot.  Having a president that is an oil man hasn't helped either.  He is making sure his friends get rich.  If I wrong I'll apologize.  This is just my opinion.

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