
What are the solutions to shortage of rice?

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Shortage of rice




  1. They now limit the amount of rice a person can purchace to 80 lbs bags a day. If you need more than that you are doing something extremely wierd with the rice you are buying.

  2. Eat less, lose some weight.

  3. There really is NO world shortage of rice.  The only problem is that rice has gotten too expensive for many poor people in third world countries to be able to afford to buy it.  There's still plenty of's just out of price range for many people now.

    The U.S.A. is not having any shortage problems at all with rice.  One good solution here in the U.S.A. would be to STOP farm subsidies being paid to rice farmers (especially in Texas) NOT to grow rice.  They are making more money via subsidies to NOT grow rice, than they make growing rice.  

    As a tax payer, and as a farmer, it offends me GREATLY to pay other farmers not to grow crops.

    As for a solution to the PRICE of rice, worldwide, stock market reforms need to take place.  The trading in comodities by people who do not need, nor use the commodity needs to STOP.

    In other words, allow rice companies, baby food companies, glue companies, paper companies, ect to buy and sell rice commodities on Wall Street, but STOP the armchair trader who's just out to make a buck from trading in commodities.  

    We'd see not only the price of rice, but also the price of oil go down if that happened.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years


  5. Increase production and minimize the demand.

    1. More effective planting methods

    2. More post harvest facilities

    3. farm to market roads

    4. ban land conversions

    5. control population growth

    6. Promote rice substitutes

    7. Offshore production

    8. etc..

    It's all elaborated here:

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