
What are the solutions to this world food problem?

by Guest60810  |  earlier

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The world food problem is one of the distribution, not of production. What do you think could be a solution to this problem ?




  1. cannibalism

  2. I didn't know there was a problem. What is the problem?

  3. Well like you just said, it is distribution and the first thing that could be fixed is the distribution. Instead of restaurants, cruise ships and casinos having an all-you-can-eat buffet for $10.99, people should actually have to pay for food. In the USA, people are able to get healthy food relatively cheap, whereas in other countries, food is scarce because it is being sent to grocery stores and restaurants.

    Another issue is waste - many restaurants pre-prepare food and then must throw it away because of liability issues. One young boy, very recently, created a bill in Florida that would allow restaurants to give the food away (without being liable) and thus: not wasting food and helping those in the local community that are in need.

    There are other solutions, but I think the above is a good start!

  4. the government has to first open some free meals throughout the country... how like ISKON temple has done mid day meals.. we just hav to contribute by paying some money to the people who are really willing to help the needies...

  5. That is a question with complex answers.

    Like most of our problems it starts with saying we can do something about it.  Don't listen to the nihilists and naysayers and bigots who think it is always someone elses problem.  It is everyone's problem.  And we can do anything we set our minds to.  

      We have a habit of repeating negative adages like "There will always be starvation"   "We will never solve the environmental problems"  

    "It's survival of the fittest, who cares?"  

    That last line is based on our mis-interpretation of evolution.  We have made that part of our worldview at the expense an equally important aspect of evolution, which is sybiotic relationship.

    Species evolve by sybiotic adaptation, as much as by competition. And cooperation is what makes a culture and civilization possible.  We Americans, in particular,  have too often turned our emphasis on individuality into every man for himself.   We rationalize this by saying it is natural, it is the way of evolution.  I would argue that we are animals, but also much more, but that is a different subject.  And still it is not just about competition. The whole purpose of forming societies and nations is to create something for the benefit of all their members. Why don't people understand this most basic thruth.  Competition has it's place and can be healthy, don't get me wrong, but to make it your sole criteria, the most important and ruling value is asinine and childish.

    The Hunger Project will have all the information you need to answer your questions about solving the world hunger problem.  I'm sure if you did a search, you'll find other sources.

    Watch this video to learn how our consumerism economy is wasting the words resources, which also effects the food production and distribution issues.  Capitalism and market economies don't have to be this wasteful.

  6. 1. Grow local

    2. Bio-regionalism

    3. Permaculture

  7. That we get over the need for perfectly shaped produce. Almost half of it gets trashed because it is visually flawed. Quite crazy really.

  8. The use of a big sling-shot.

  9. the problem is because many companies promote the use of food as a alternative fuel for vehicles. because of that, many crops goes to fuel making and less crops goes to food for the people. that is why shortages of food is being felt at some parts of the globe. besides, agricultural lands are being converted to residential areas. there is really no problem in distribution, the problem is the choice on where to use the crops.

    crops converted to biofuels does not make any sense. they just make food prices higher and contributes more to global warming.

    the solution could be is to stop production of biofuels because it makes problems worse and even creates other problems and stop conversion of agricultural lands to residential lots

    have a nice day!

    Save the environment!

  10. Condoms, and if they don't work, a 30 foot high, 25,000 volt electric fence to separate males from females. How often do you see people on the African continent with more kids than they could ever support? Their motto is "Never too hungry to fk". Stop the breeding, end the hunger. It is absolutely that simple.

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