
What are the specific rules that govern when a person gets "cut off" from the ability to post on the msg bds?

by  |  earlier

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It seems when you go to the Yahoo message boards to "discuss" news articles you can only post a limited number of times. Yahoo does not seem to be making it clear what specific rules govern when you get "cut off." They don't say WHY a person might suddenly be cut off from posting. I'm not talking about their "abuse" policy (which they don't enforce anyway), I'm talking about when you start to post at a message board, you've been posting, and then for some reason it's as if you get locked out of that message board. Yahoo doesn't seem to want to share their strategy. Anybody know the deal?




  1. This board offers a great deal of freedom of speech.

    In fact, it even allows people to categorize all US military personnel in Iraq as rapists because of a few bad apples -- as you did in another question.

    It also allows people to insinuate that US military people, unlike other people, are never entitled to a little time off and R&R now and again -- as you did in the same question.  

    I think you owe all US military members, present (such as my brother) and past (such as me), a big-time apology.

  2. There is a rule that limits repeated postings...did you mean Answers boards or others? Also, is it possible the person leading the discussion is cutting you off or someone is complaining about your multiple postings?  If you haven't received any warnings from yahoo, I'd think you're not guilty of breaking any egregious rules.

    Also, there is that whole level of points limiting your number of posts for the day that you should consider.

    From the community guidelines.

    **NO REPEATED POSTINGS: You may not post similar or identical postings. This also applies if you are including the same commercial URL on all of your postings for the purpose of directing commercial activity to a non-Yahoo! site. Multiple identical postings, even if legitimate, may be considered spam. **

  3. You need to read the "My Score" in your profile. There you will find a link that will tell you more about their point system.  It also shows you charts on how many posts you can post a day, by what your score is.  

    I still can only post 20 answers a day because I am in Level 1.  Until you answer more questions, do you get to move up.


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