
What are the stakes if Kosovo doesn't achieve independence?

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What are the stakes if Kosovo doesn't achieve independence?




  1. War I hope...And I hope Capt. is right about non patient Albanians,time to teach some  intruders a lesson!Enough tolerance for imperialists!

  2. Uh...I guess it means that they'll continue to agitate.

  3. Most likely war. The rest of my Albanian compatriots are not as patient as I am.  Some will probably give diplomacy a try and some will pick up weapons. There is no guareentees. God knows. I do know one thing there no reason why Kosovo should not achieve independence unless the Kosovar people vote againts it. Politician in Belgrade can bark all they want until they are blue in the face but all they are running is their mouths. Instead of threats and crying, and portraying your nation as a victim, why don't your beloved Serbia launch a campaign of showing the Kosovars the benefits of staying in the same country as them? It is nearly an impossible task and chances are slim to none, minus the slim, but hey what other options do you have?

  4. There is no final solution other than the Serb proposal. The only alternative would be American payee Ceda Jovanovic selling Kosovo by signing the paper, or any other such unbelievable outcome.

    If Kosovo does not achieve independence this year, USA will keep up with the momentum until favorable conditions next chance, or their foreign policy obtains a 180 degree turn due to some galactic threat, Yellowstone eruption, San Diego going underwater, Chavez taking over USA, global exhaustion of petroleum or similar Godgiven chances. This could go on for quite some time, perhaps even until Russia and China grow strong enough to put an end to the suffering of the world.

    Serbia is not capable for a military answer in case the Albanians are given the push by USA. If such event would happen, the bill would go to the international community more than to the Serbs and their territory of Kosovo...

  5. don't worry vivet , Kosova will get full independence , thxs for your concern anyway !

  6. Koso----who?

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