
What are the states that are the most friendly toward illegal immigrants?

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What are the states that are the most friendly toward illegal immigrants?




  1. I live in North Carolina, and this state has welcomed them with open arms. From an open feeding trough provided by an out of control welfare system to unlimited health care by a broken medicaid system to driver's license tests being provided in spanish with more relaxed documentation to secure a license than American citizens, North Carolina has become a magnet for illegal alien activity. Our schools are bursting at the seams with non-english speaking pupils, and the American students are being encouraged to speak english as a second language and be dumbed down to accomadate a broken education system. Any questions as to why my wife and I chose to home school? Our son will graduate next year at a second grade college level, and he doesn't speak spanish....go figure.

  2. Liberal states.  The more Liberal, the more they accept illegal aliens.

  3. right now i think illegal "ALIENS" are starting to have a harder time living in america.many deportations are happening employers are getting in trouble for giving them work and just a week or 2 ago there was a pretty sizeable raid in which about 600 illegal aliens were caught and are going to be looks like america is finally starting to enforce the laws of the land...its about time

    just  something to add... immigrants are people here LEGALLY....  people who show up are uninvited.and so far i havent seen anyone holding the front door open for 10 million or so people.with unemployment the way it is it will get real bad for them being here.

  4. #1


  5. The border states (Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, etc.) have the most.  That does not however mean they are the most friendly.  In fact, it can mean the opposite--we are so sick of them here, and we are starting to get ANGRY ANGRY ANGRY about it.

    Arizona implemented statewide laws prohibiting their hiring.  Texas legislature will consider it this session.  Meanwhile, several Texas cities have implemented laws and stepped up enforcement.

    Dont even think of entering the US illegally unless you want to risk a lot.  Read this article to understand.

  6. i think all states are the same  

  7. As a North Carolinian who works for the Law, don't listen to the other idiot who claims to be from North Carolina. While it is true that there are a lot of undocumented immigrants in our state (over 300,000 and counting), it is NOT true that they can easily do everything the other poster stated. First and foremost, the test may be available in Spanish, but they most certainly can NOT get a driver's license. Do you know how much documentation is needed in order to get one? The state has made it so difficult for them to live here that they can't even marry in most counties without a valid STATE or Federal ID... such as a driver's license (can't get that w/o a SS#, 1-94 and Passport) or US Passport. Furthermore, the schools most certainly are NOT busting at the seems with them. There are SOME schools that have a higher population, but that does not apply to all. And I have never met a single latin kid in high school who did not speak English. Most of the time, the difficulties are found in the early grades (K-3) and they are quickly assimilated into the class or fail - the rest of the class is not forced to learn Spanish. Foreign language options don't typically begin until Junior High (though again, some schools vary in this) and you typically have a choice of the foreign language you want to speak - many students still opting for French or Latin (especially Latin if they're wanting to go on to law or medical schools - both of which we have GREAT universities for). Lastly, there was just a round-up of illegal immigrants here who were shipped back home. We have also had plenty of other deportation procedures take place (although this is a bit of a hassle as we don't have an immigration court and need to do everything through Atlanta, GA).

    As for states that ARE more welcoming... California, Florida and New York are the most welcoming. After that, I'd check out certain parts of New Mexico, South Carolina (you practically don't need ANY documentation in that state... they don't even do car inspections if your car is a certain year or older) and then North Carolina.  

  8. California, Texas, Florida, New York, Washington, Oregon, Arkansas.

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