
What are the statics for people that have been married 3 times or more?

by Guest33410  |  earlier

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What are the statics for people that have been married 3 times or more?




  1. Which statistics do you want?  How many of them there are or what the chances are a third marriage will survive?  Then secondly, statistics can be skewed to project whatever the person compiling the statistics wishes to project.  For example, if what you want to know is what the chances are that a third marriage will survive, are you interested in an overall average or an average by age group?  If you look at people 70 or older who may have lost their first or second spouse to death, those statistics might reflect a completely different number than if your focus group is twenty year olds who are on third marriages already.

    In order to answer your question, people will need to know exactly what statistics you are seeking.  Try wording your question where it is a bit more specific and you will likely get the answer you are seeking.

  2. I really don't know opther then my older 60 year old sister has run through 4 marriages.

    She seems to always marry the same type of man and never learns from her mistakes.

  3. you have a free heart, and use the "L" word to much.

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