
What are the statistics?

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My professor explained to me that each man can have 6 womens,because it is the statistic in the world about the numbers of woman and man,is it true?that is why we(man) we should not take it so deep when we get busted by a girl,can you explain to me much more details?please?




  1. Well, that is not the statistic for the whole world, in terms of how many mean versus how many women.

    there might be small locales where that is the statistic, like Alaska has something like 1 woman to every 20 men . ( that isn't exact, i just remember a large discrepancy)

    But even if that statistic were correct, i see no reason that it should effect your behavior.

  2. There are approximately as many women in the world as their are men.  Perhaps what your professor meant was some statistic about how many women a man meets and becomes close with before settling down in marriage.  There is no such thing as only one woman out there who is the only right woman for you.  Men and women can find unlimited numbers of compatible mates.

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