
What are the steps I need to take to start selling home baked goods straight from my kitchen?

by  |  earlier

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I am not talking about a bake sale. I am talking about selling cupcakes, muffins and breads. Should I start a website? How do I go about doing this? How do I get customers????

BTW, I am studying to be a pastry chef... starting in September




  1. Thank you so much for asking this question!  I just came here looking for the exact same answer - I'm trying to start a cupcake business from my home, as well.  Good luck!

  2. You probably won't be able to do this, at least not legally. Check with your state or local Board of Health to be sure, but most localities have very firm laws in place that prohibit commercial food items from being prepared in a home kitchen.

    Also, keep in mind you'll need to keep accurate financial records and submit tax documents for any income you make.

  3. First find out from you local government office if you are zoned for commercial use.  Second check with Board of Health. Third is your insurance company, then register with appropriate taxing authority for a business tax id.  A friend sells cakes made at home.  No customers come to her house, she has photo book with prices at catering establishments and restaurants.  She did get approval from her town officials.

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