
What are the steps I should follow if i want to join the United Nations' volunteer work?

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What are the steps I should follow if i want to join the United Nations' volunteer work?




  1. The average age of a UNV is 38. The application process is *highly* competitive, and the people who land positions have many years of professional experience and excellent academic credentials -- usually master's degrees. Being able to work in at least two languages (one of them being English) is almost mandatory.

    The online application process starts at

    You will be required to note your areas of expertise and to provide a short essay (I think it's 2000 characters) that summarize your areas of specialization/qualifications. If you make the cut on this initial application, you will be asked to fully apply. If you make *that* cut, you get put into the UNV roster.

    MOST people who apply are *not* accepted. Those who are accepted go into the UNV Roster, and may or may not ever be chosen for an assignment.

    You can learn more about the experience desired by UN Volunteers and similar organizations here:

  2. google  

    u shld hv some educational standing eg a bachelor's, work experience in any field.  

    its not worth it 'cos u do same work as a paid staff and u get nothing.  if its for a worthy cause, yes.  but when u get there, u will realize that its a worthy cause but not those doing it.  its a pity these pple do it for self-aggrandizement.  u can still try it and see for yourself. u may hv a different perspective

  3. I would see a psychiatrist first...why would you want to work for that loser outfit in any capacity?

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