
What are the steps in becoming a doctor?

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What are the steps in becoming a doctor?




  1. It is completely different in the UK. You apply to medical school during or after you've done you're A levels. You usually need at least 2 science A levels with B grades or higher. Most medical schools have a test (UKCAT or BMAT) followed by an interview. If you are successful in these you will be offered a place. The course is 5 years then you graduate with a MBBS degree. This is followed by 2 years work in a hospital until you are a registered doctor with a license to practice medicine.

  2. Medical students begin by getting a 4 year bachelor's degree in either chemistry or biology. They take a medical entrance exam and if accepted by a medical school, continue their education studying human anatomy, pharmacology and human diseases. In the latter part of their education, they begin to actually practice medicine as hospital interns. At this point most of them become specialists of various types. A few become general practitioners.

    Most medical students leave school highly in debt and spend the first 5 years of their career paying it off. This is the American system. In other countries which are more socialist, education is free for the most part. However this also means doctors only make a fraction of the salary they make in America. For example, some African doctors only earn 2 dollars an hour.

  3. The steps are four years of undergraduate(preferably in a science major such as biology or chemistry but it could be anything like English). Then, you need to take the MCAT and if you do well apply and send scores and applications to medical schools. Go the medical school of your choice that you were accepted to. This takes 4 years. Then, you will have to do a residency for four more years. After that if you have a speciality it will be two or three more years maybe.

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