
What are the steps to doing a 360 off a snowboard jump, and do you have to lean back when you go off?

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What are the steps to doing a 360 off a snowboard jump, and do you have to lean back when you go off?




  1. Its not as hard as many believe it will be...Start going off the jump like you'd go off any normal jump, however, as you near the lip of the jump, "wind" up your body, as you go off the jump, don't "lean" but rather dig your heels or toes in(depending on front/backside), while in the air "unwind" yourself, and i'm sure you'll get enough rotation, it'll take a few try's to be able to spot your landing but you'll get it

  2. (frontside) regular

    Where you look decides where you go (keep that in mind)

    Coming into the jump turn your shoulders away from the jump.

    Just before you take off turn your upper body quickly towards the jump.

    As your board leaves the jump your upper body should be cranked as much as possible then twist / crank your legs to make them lead (all while looking into the spin towards your landing.)

    If you swing your arms out as you crank your body on takeoff and tuck them in you spin faster, then spread them out again to slow your spin down for landing.

    On landing to help control keep your upper body turning a bit into the spin...dont just drop like a stone because you will probably enter a spin upon landing.

    Some people spin faster on backside because your back faces the bottom first so you naturally wanna see where your going so you tend to spin faster...for some people its not like that they block when doing backside because they cant see where there going...try 180's and see which is more natural for you...and try a 360 while jumping on the ground, analyse how you do it and repeat on jump as per normal.


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