
What are the steps to putting a house on the market?

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I have a house, it might need a little work and I to sell it.How long would it take to get a house listed?




  1. Takes 5 min. to get a house listed.  But depending how much work the house needs could take a year.  All plumbing, heating and electrical must be up to code.  Roof  leak free. Appliances included in sale must be functioning.  Interior walls must be clean and free of damage. Floors clean, bathrooms and kitchen sparkling.  Curb appeal, outside should be picture perfect.  All clutter thrown out, personal items hidden and interior smelling fresh.

  2. You need to speak to an estate agent. They will send a valuer round to measure up and survey it, then they tell you what they think it is worth. If you are happy to sell at that price, let the estate agent sell it for you. They will do all the work and advise you when to approach a solicitor for conveyancing.

  3. Let's use a free source to help guide you ok? Call 3 Realtors that you know have worked in your area. Tell you you want them to do a 2 Stepper, which means they come out and view the property, then go back and do a market analysis and provide you with feedback on condition etc.  If they balk at the 2 stepper, move to another agent. This is important.

    Once you have three opinions, you should have a pretty good idea of what needs to be done.   Besides the obvious; paint, clean, declutter, pack anything you won't use... etc. Then I would pay to have a "stager" come in and get the home staged for the market. It is money well spent!  Just make sure all the maintenance items are taken care of.  Also, I can't tell you how many times I had my sellers pay for an inspection prior to listing, and a serious problem was found. While they had to spend some money to correct the issue, then the buyers came along, it was like getting something for free and they didn't hesitate to buy the homes.  So just a tip!

    Then call the Realtor you felt gave you the best advise and will listen to you and have them list the house.

    Now keep in mind, that the market is totally different from when you purchased, even it that was only 3 years ago.  Most likely you will not have the hordes of people coming to see your property and it may take some time to get an offer. But do one important thing for me; when that first offer comes in and it's low,  consider it carefully, because it may be the only offer you get before having to go thru the agony of reducing the price and reducing the price... See what I mean?

    Best of luck!

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