
What are the stereotypes associated with fat people especially...?

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Fat girls?

E.g. they are smelly, unhygienic, etc.

What do you personally think of them and what stereotypes do you know about them?

Genuine question, no haters please. God bless xx




  1. Popular stereotypes include that they're slovenly, lazy, lack control, and are less intelligent than thin people. I don't believe this by the way, it's just what I pick up from the media in particular. If you're fat, please don't take it to heart. Recognise that the media stereotypes everyone: fat, thin, men, women, single, married, etc. There's more to people than stereotypes - and there's much, much more to life than your body shape. xx

  2. no will power

  3. i don't really like fat people. I think they are gross. yeah whatever, i don't care what they tried to teach me in the stupid "owning up classes" at school and how it is all society's fault making people belittle fat people.

    i just don't really like them... probably because i only see them in bikinis with nasty rolls, or are wearing tight clothes making muffin tops...

    for some reason i just think they would always be sweaty thus making them smelly.

    oh and i am obviously not fat. in fact i am really skinny...90 pounds. i have a super fast metabolism. and i can stuff my face with anything i want. and i don't have an eating disorder.

  4. i am over weight and i always feel  that people think if you go to a chippie or macdonalds or somewhere like that that people are thinking 'oh my god, it is no surprize that they ended up like that...i dont know whether they do or not, but i always feel that they do. i know people do think people who are fat are lazy and just sit around eating all day...i personally walk at least 4 miles a day and still have the weight on me, but a lot of people assume that fat people go every where by car or bus

  5. the fact that they got fat in the first place means they have no self control and eat whatever not thinking. no matter how much they deny it. they do eat a lot more.

    they take the car everywhere so they r lazy. and they are usually not all that s**y. they have no form.

    I am a fat chick and now that i have changed my lifestyle, i dnt DIET anymore, i eat healthy with a choc everynow and again I can see where i went wrong.

  6. Ugly, sexless, lazy. Those are the ones I get all the time.

  7. From the fat chick herself:

    1) Lazy--I am by no means lazy. I work from 9pm to 5am, then am up by 11 or 12 running errands and taking 14 hours of college courses and maintaining a "B" average.

    2) Smelly--I bathe regularly and use deodorant. When I get funky, I wipe down (or shower again if nececcery) and perfume. I love the Honeysuckle fragrance from Bath and Body Works

    3) All I do is eat--NEGATIVE! I love food of course, but I don't spend all day with my butt glued to the sofa eating foot long sandwiches and ding dongs. I like salads and carrots and fruit just as much as the next person.

    4) Stupid--I graduated top 10% in my class

    5) Unhealthy--Well, I get a cold once in a while, but my bp is normal, my cholestoral is that of a 9 year old, and I don't have diabetes.

    6) Farts--everyone farts, but I don't f**t elephant farts like people think fat girls do.

    7) Waddle--I walk with a spring in my step, shoulders back and back know, confidence.

    8) Never get a boyfriend--Been with the same guy 5 years and we're getting married next month.

    9) Unattractive--my skin is clear, my hair is awesome and my teeth are white and straight (not to brag...)

    And there you have it! :)

  8. Social psychologist's response:

    - Lazy

    - Lack of will-power

    - Compulsive over-eating

    - Greedy

    - Unattractive

    - Unproductive

    - Lonely

    Those are just a few that any researcher worth their salt will tell you.

  9. I am not a plus-sized girl but I think it all depends on the woman

    Majority of larger sized women that i see are attractive/pretty, girls who are also very sweet and nice. I dont think they are unhygienic in anyway.

    But of course i have seen unhygienic PEOPLE, it has nothing to do with what size they are, usually people who are unhygienic smelly slobs are of all shapes and sizes lol :)

  10. i like big women.....

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