
What are the stereotypes for bisexual guys?

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I have heard most of bi guys are manly and they want to find men who are close to women.. I am not sure.. I am g*y and I am interested on bi guys suddenly.. I want to meet one in real life.. but I dont know how i can identify one.. when they are so hiding. specially in my small town in mex

I know stereotypes are not always true but maybe they can give you an idea or sometimes.. I dont now.. like g*y guys even.. we are so much in this world.. I am lonely.. I dont like the stereotype of g*y guys




  1. Clinical studies have demonstrated that there is virtually no such thing as male bisexuality: 75% of men who say they're "bisexual" are g*y; 25% are straight.  I think everyone understands why men who are g*y would call themselves bisexual.  Straight men who call themselves bisexual are probably (my guess) trying to make themselves look interesting to females like yourself.  

  2. That's a hard one.. i don't like to stereotype people, but from what i've seen in a friend of mine is that when you first meet them, you might get hints they are g*y (behaviour, the way they dress) but then you find out they have a girlfriend (or have had one) which makes you dismiss them as metrosexual. Sorry if that didn't help much but bisexual guys are the least focused group in LGBT.

  3. whatever!!!  you are probably lonely because you are a bit too worried about stereotypes.  talk to people, get to know them, stop making judgments before you even get to know a person....maybe their stereotypical actions won't bother you so much when you get to know them!

  4. ugh.

    its your own internal homophobia that prevents you form liking 'stereotypical' g*y guys.  

    I am not up for Bi's.  The thought that they can 'pass' by getting a girlfriend and then just fool around with guys... messy messy.

  5. im a g*y teen im 15 and i dont act liek a girl but im an artist so i do act a litel weird but that has nothing to do with me being g*y , ohh i realy hate my school.....  THAY THINK WE WILL ALL GO TO h**l AND AND... i go to a cathlic school no one knoes im g*y but the things thay say realy hurt me !!!! we cant help being g*y just liuek a strait person cant help being strait, ugg im gna shut up now lol. peace  

  6. Well, i have a bisexual stuffed sock monkey and he likes bisexual cream style corn. Maybe you could ask him? =)

    Idk.. Sorry, I'm not really sure what you're asking, exactly? But whatever it is, I'm truly sorry your'e lonely. Many are.

  7. My notion on bisexual men who are living secret lives on the down low is one of loathing! I hate that men are on the down low and perpetrating straight men by impregnating and marrying women and living a lie. This is rampet in the black and hispanic communities for sure. That's why us women in those groups are acquiring hiv at alarming rates.

    I admire men who are openly g*y and OPENLY bisexual. I think it takes a lot of courage to come out and be who you are and be honest with the people you are with.

  8. honestly bi-sexual's i understand to a DEGREE. some of them that is. I have found it's not a good idea to date the bi boy's. They end up cheating with the opposite s*x or tossing you aside. Maybe it's just me. I can't date a guy while all along i feel nervous and panicky that they are checking out girls while i am with them. or that they will mess around with a girl. every bi guy i have been with it has happened.

    And not true at all. Most bi guys don't like fem boys. they like the more guyish boy's. at least from all i have seen. but there's no right or wrong answer. everyone is different.

  9. the stereotypes for all bisexuals

    is that they cheat

    which anyone can cheat

    but they're more prone to cheating i guess...?

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