
What are the stratigies used in child care center?

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What are the stratigies used in child care center?




  1. The Learning Environment

    The learning environment is the structure of the classroom that sets the context for teaching and learning. The Creative Curriculum shows you how to

        * set up the physical environment and maintain interest areas

        * establish a classroom structure that includes the daily routine and schedule, choice times, and small- and large-group times

        * create a classroom community that promotes positive relationships and where children make friends and learn social problem-solving skills

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    Learn More


          Ch. 6: Blocks excerpt (pdf)


          Ch. 7: Dramatic Play excerpt (pdf)


          Ch. 8: Toys & Games excerpt (pdf)


          Ch. 9: Art excerpt (pdf)


          Ch. 10: Library excerpt (pdf)


          Ch. 11: Discovery excerpt (pdf)


          Ch. 12: Sand & Water  excerpt (pdf)


          Ch. 13: Music & Movement excerpt (pdf)


          Ch. 14: Cooking excerpt (pdf)


          Ch. 15: Computers excerpt (pdf)


          Ch. 16: Outdoors excerpt (pdf)

    Related materials

        * The Creative Curriculum Video

        * Room Arrangement as a Teaching Strategy (Video/DVD)

    Interest Areas

    The physical space of The Creative Curriculum classroom is organized into 10 indoor interest areas:




          Dramatic Play


          Toys and Games








          Sand and Water


          Music and Movement





    The 10 indoor interest areas plus the outdoor space offer multiple opportunities for children to explore, discover, and learn. Interest areas provide a setting for children to learn academic content and apply skills.

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    Learn More

        * Ch. 3: What Children Learn excerpt (pdf)

    Related materials

        * Literacy: The Creative Curriculum Approach

        * A Trainer's Guide to The Creative Curriculum for Preschool: Vol. 2: Literacy

        * The Creative Curriculum for Preschool Literacy Kits

        * Study Starters: In-Depth Project-Based Investigations in Science and Social Studies

        * Mathematics: The Creative Curriculum Approach

        * The Creative Curriculum for Preschool Math Kit #1 and Kit #2

    Arriving soon

        * A Trainer's Guide to the Creative Curriculum for Preschool: Volume 3: Math

    What Children Learn

    On the basis of scientific research and state and professional standards, The Creative Curriculum identifies the knowledge, skills, and concepts important for preschool children to acquire in each content area: literacy, math, science, social studies, the arts, and technology. We describe the key components of these content areas:

    Literacy: vocabulary and language, phonological awareness, letters, words, print, comprehension, books and other texts, and sources of enjoyment

    Mathematics: numbers; patterns and relationships; geometry and spatial awareness; measurement; and data collection, organization, and representation

    Science: physical science, life science, and earth and the environment

    Social Studies: spaces and geography, people and how they live, people and the environment, and people and the past

    The Arts: dance, music, drama, and the visual arts

    Technology: awareness of technology, basic operations and concepts, technological tools, and people and technology

    Most importantly, we explain how to teach these subject areas in ways that respect how preschool children develop and learn.

  2. i own my own preschool and childcare center so i may be able to help abit.  Children thrive off of structure.  They are sponges at a very early age, they will soak it up if you give it to them.  Stay on a schedule, children react better if they know what is next.  Be consistant if they know whats expected of them they will not feel anxious.  have classroom management helps alot. use your transition time well.  have transition time flow, using music such as singing songs about what activity you are moving into, motivates the child to do what you want them to do instead of them doing what they want to do.  once you loose control of a classroom full of 2-4 year olds its hard to get it back.  Teach them at an early age how to communicate helps children not to get frustrated.  children pick up sign language at the age of 7 months, if a child wants more milk they will just sign for it instead of just crying and the caregiver frustrated not know what the child wants.  If a child learns to sign they will learn to speak sooner also.  The most important point would be that it needs to be a safe place that a parent feels comfortable leaving thier child with you.  Love is also one of the biggest parts of it, children feed off of positive loving energy.

  3. Keeping them occupied in small increments I guess. At least that's what I would do.

  4. Each school and teacher is different.

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