
What are the strongest indicators and oscillators to use for FOREX?

by  |  earlier

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I know I'll get responses like, "this is a big boys game" and "don't come into this so naive little one" I understand that there is MAJOR risk in FOR-EX but you'll never get anywhere playing it safe. I'm using a demo account right now and working out all my errors. I'm curious as to what are some good indicators that are reliable and work well with each other. Bonus points if you can effectively explain how they work.




  1. RSI, MACD, Bollinger, Slow Stochastics, SAR, Elloitt Wave. There are a bunch, but thats a view I use

  2. I've found great software for you which can be downloaded for free, include many forex tools, indicators and reports.

    I hope that what you mean.

    its website:

    Good Luck!

  3. I am not a big fan of indicators because none of them realy works. I know a lot of pro's will disagree and I truly understand. I have been trading and testing theseindicators for years. All of them is lagging. Indicators are only good after the fact. Anyone can show you a great move on any indicaror after the fact, but none of them is reliable when it comes to live trading. The only indicator I use is a pivot point system base on support and resistance level in the market.

    It is a custom build indicator that provides close to precise pivot points system. What makes this indicator unique is because is follows the price action between diferent point of support and resistance.  To make this more effective we use it in connection with a  tweaking version of the stochastic for entry purpose..Using this with our 10 pip system works.

    At least this is my indicator of choice.  

    for others, this might be different.

    Good luck

  4. Stochastic533 and EMA34 cross.

  5. Forex trading-

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