
What are the study techniques to be top1 in class? pls help...?

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i am a highschool student from the philippines and i am wondering how would my grades will become more higher... so pls give me tips and advices cause studying is really important for me cause my future depends on it.... im looking forward to ur advices and tips and of course everything will be gladly appreciated... tnx in advance..




  1. so i was the valedictorian of my class. Truthfully I rarely studied at all and just figured out the system. So my advice is not be the best if you actually want to learn something.

    The trick is understanding what teacher's want from you, which isn't as hard as it sounds. For papers, teachers want a certain level of comprehension and critical thinking. So just give them what they want, spend like five minutes extra and incorporate outside sources. Make connections, teachers love that.

    For studying depends on how you study. I didn't need to study because 90% of test materials came from class. Just pay attention to what the teacher says. If you get bored or are tired, record it. And depending on the subject there are other tricks. History is all about patterns. There are generic patterns and themes you can trace in any history class. If you know them, then its easier to contextualize specific questions. Math, um memorize formulas, no real thinking needed. English, its easy to bs, make connection between what you're reading to contemporary events and history. Also lots of patterns in English which are easy to follow. Science, um pay attention in class and memorize formulas. That's all theres to it. Each teacher expects certain things from students, figure it out and you'll be fine.

    But on a serious note if you want to do well, don't work hard for the grades, work hard to expand your knowledge. Rote memorization sucks, it'll get you good grades but will hurt you in the long run. If you want to be a well rounded student, learn to view all your subjects as interconnected and learn to focus on concepts. If you understand the basic concepts for each subject, the particular details will be easier to understand. Once you start realizing that there are common themes even in things as diverse as math and literature, studying will become much easier and more productive.

  2. Here are some study suggestions.

    1. Have all of your materials ready and in the place that you are going to study.

    3. Study when its quiet. No music, no TV, No headphones, no nothing.

    4. Do your most difficult subject fist or else you may never get to it.

    5. Keep a calendar so that you know when a project is due or a test is going to be given.

    6. Vocabulary is very important. Words have different meanings. You need to know the meaning for the subject that you are taking.

    7. Study the relationship of things. How is the topic that you studied related to the unit that you are studying?

    8. Your textbook has hints for you. Many books have important words or phrases in darkened or colored type, make sure that you know them thoroughly.

    The sites below are excellent and will give you many other ideas about studying.

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