
What are the subatomic particles known as photinos?

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What are the subatomic particles known as photinos?




  1. In supersymmetry, the photino is the superpartner of the photon.

  2. In supersymmetric (SUSY) theories1, the photino is the fermion partner of the photon and is expected to be the lightest stable particle. Despite many discussions of the possible production of photinos, and other supersymmetric particles, at existing and proposed accelerators2, so far, experiments have only set limits3,4. We propose here that photinos are produced by sources of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. We specifically consider Cygnus X-3, which is a powerful source of neutral particles up to 104 TeV (refs 5−8). These are usually assumed to be  rays, but there is no direct evidence for this, and shower5,6 and underground9,10 experiments suggest that there may be another component present. Here we estimate that a photino flux of the order of 10-14 cm-2 s-1 above 10 TeV is possible from a source such as Cyg X-3, under certain conditions, and consider the feasibility of detecting these photinos. Its a bit hard to understand, but I hope it helps.

  3. In supersymmetric (SUSY) theories, the photino is the fermion partner of the photon and is expected to be the lightest stable particle. Despite many discussions of the possible production of photinos, and other supersymmetric particles, at existing and proposed accelerators, so far, experiments have only set limits.

    According to Wikipedia,

    In particle physics, a gaugino is the hypothetical superpartner of a gauge boson, as predicted by gauge theory combined with supersymmetry. They are fermions.

    In the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model the gauginos are

    gluino is the superpartner of the gluon, and hence carries colour charge.

    wino is the superpartner of the W boson.

    bino is the superpartner of the gauge boson corresponding to weak hypercharge. It mixes with one of the gauginos corresponding to weak isospin to give the photino and the zino.

    zino is the superpartner of the Z boson.

    photino is the superpartner of the photon.

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