
What are the subspecies of homo sapians?

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Caucasian? Oriental? Are these sub-species, or what are they called? and what/who are the others?




  1. Skin tone would be a poor way to classify humans.  If one wanted to classify them for some reason (medical needs might be one) I'd suggest haplogroups.  East Africans (from the horn or Africa)  are far closer, genetically, to Europeans than they are to West Africans but have the same skin tones.  Asians & Europeans are also a very diverse group & some Europeans are closer to Africans or Asians than they are to other Europeans... humans are a mixed bag that continued to evolve as they migrated out of Africa, through the Mid East & then into Asia & Europe.  I'll give you a map of Haplogroup migration out of Africa, should you wish to do an indepth study of genetics.

    Skin tone was the most observable means of classification back in the 19th & early 20th century, but with the advancement of genetic science we've concluded it is almost meaningless as a classification.

  2. homo sapiens is a term used to describe humans. Look up the time periods: Paleolithic, Neolithic, and Mesolithic. It is during these time periods Homo Sapiens supposely evolved from apes and began forming Communities.. along with the first signs of agriculture -which would mean becoming self-sufficient. Over time, these homo sapiens moved. e.g., From Africa into North Europe, etc.... It is all very interesting if you delve into it. The Paleolithic period is when man evolved from Ape--- the homo sapien was considered nomadic...

  3. As a Vikings fan I would have to say the Packers Cheese-heads are a subspecies unless Fare has a real surprising year!

  4. homo sapien sapiens

    difference in skin tone or physical traits does not create sub species. In spite of what racist people want you to think every human on this earth is homo sapien sapiens. Homo Sapiens being pre-modern man and the later being us, modern man. WE ARE ALL THE SAME SUBSPECIES!

    I'm not calling you a racist I'm calling our forefathers who classified people based on physical appearance racist. My answer comes directly from current anthropological classifications of modern man. Some don't find it necessary to further classify man into homo sapien sapiens, in this instance I think it is.

    what you are discussing is how humans identify their own identities.

  5. It used to be considered, back in the day, there were 3, Caucasoid, Mongoloid and ******* but it changed because this is pretty offensive when you think about it. Now it is considered very difficult to divide homo-sapiens into sub species because we intermarry so not Homo-Sapien is designated as a single species.

  6. We are Homo sapiens sapiens. A point a few people missed is that most anthropologists now consider Neanderthals to be fully 'human' and a subspecies of H. sapiens; e.g. they are H. sapiens neanderthalensis. There are no neanderthals alive today, but this is (in todays understanding) the other subspecies of H. sapiens.

    If 'modern' H. sapiens did interbreed with neanderthals, then perhaps their blood does still exist in some of us. However, skin or hair colour is not a good indicator of a subspecies. For example, no one really considers a Labrador Retriever to be a different subspecies  than an Cocker Spaniel - they are both of the species Canis familiaris, or domesticated dog.

  7. sorry my racist friend, the dna is all the same, our focus on base superficial things like skin, noses hair are meaningless in nature....sorry to burst your bubble

  8. Homosapiens are a subspecies of the hominids

  9. There are none. What you listed are categories in which they might be placed, not subspecies.

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