
What are the symbols for belief, strength, and power?

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Pictures would be better then descriptions. And Chinese characters do not work for me in this case.




  1. A cross

  2. The serpent symbol was used for wisdom and authority.

  3. I think the greatest or most powerful...useful symbols for these terms should/will come from your own psyche....

    today I was contemplating an artistic display of my life challenge.... the bane of having great amounts of compassion ( what's in our chest....or the symbol used for love)....

    and having very little control over things...or being able to affect change based upon my levels of compassion.... (hands tied, bird cage etc..)

    ponder each word by themselves...close your eyes and look within!!

  4. That's like asking whats the best way to get from here to there.

    1) What do you need the symbols for? A 3rd grade show-and-tell presentation would require different symbols than if you were giving a historical perspective of ritualistic power and belief through the ages at Oxford.

    2) After you answer the first question, the next question is: what limitations do you have? Do they have to be ancient, modern, interpretive? Many symbols can have multiple meanings, including both positive and negative versions (think of the n**i swastika as an symbol of power, and its historical antecedents in asian history) and such symbols, seen one way in ancient times, can mean something quite different today, which brings up questions of the limitations of what a symbol can represent as well?

    3) Different cultures interpret those words very differently. A very refined culture would place more emphasis on learning and academia than a culture that was more visceral (think of how different a scholarly monk and a bloodthirsty barbarian would choose the symbols that defined each for them.) When you define those parameters, then your question can be answered.

  5. Well, you could go with the symbols of Mars (power/strength), and Jupiter (belief). According to astrologers.

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