
What are the symbols for the greek gods demeter, dionysus, pan, eros, and hebe?

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What are the symbols for the greek gods demeter, dionysus, pan, eros, and hebe?




  1. Demeter is the goddess of grain, her symbol is a sheave of wheat

    Dionsysus' symbol are grapes, as he is the god of wine making

    Pan's flute is the most obvious, although a goat was also used to represent him

    Eros - I actually am not sure Eros has a symbol.  His son, Cupid, is the one with the bow and arrow.

    Hebe was the cup bearer to the gods, so I would imagine a cup or chalice

  2. Pan's symbol is usually his flute (often called a Pan flute or reed flute), made of five to seven reeds cut to different lengths assembled in order of length, which are then blown into to create different pitches.

    Dionysus was, I believe, the god of wine, so that would be a good start.

    Eros is the god of love (and one of three Greek words for love, comparable to modern erotic love, as opposed to brotherly love or familial love), so that one should be pretty obvious.

    Demeter was an earth god, so almost anything goes.

    I've never heard of Hebe...where'd you hear of him?

  3. Im just gonna answer about Eros since everyone else seems to have been covered. :) Eros is Aphrodite's son and her male counterpart (so hes the god of love s*x etc.) so his symbols are similar to hers- ie doves. but he was also often depicted as a young naked man with a quiver of arrows (because of his association with cupid) or a young man with a butterfly to represent his sexual freedom and he was  sometimes depicted burning a butterfly to represent his mischevious nature.

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