
What are the symptoms of a migraine?

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  1. Migraine headaches usually are described as an intense, throbbing or pounding pain that involves one temple. (Sometimes the pain can be located in the forehead, around the eye, or the back of the head). The pain usually is unilateral (on one side of the head), although about a third of the time the pain is bilateral. The unilateral headaches typically change sides from one attack to the next. (In fact, unilateral headaches that always occur on the same side should alert the doctor to consider a secondary headache, for example, one caused by a brain tumor). A migraine headache usually is aggravated by daily activities like walking upstairs. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, facial pallor, cold hands, cold feet, and sensitivity to light and sound commonly accompany migraine headaches. As a result of this sensitivity to light and sound, migraine sufferers usually prefer to lie in a quiet, dark room during an attack. A typical attack lasts between 4 and 72 hours.

  2. ~ Hi ~ ! As a migraine sufferer I can tell you that migraine involves many symptoms. Here are symptoms I've personally experienced:

    - Aura and visual changes (usually proceeds the migraine and serves as a warning that a migraine is about to occur).  I find the visual distortion to be one of the worse parts of it, even if I don't have the headache driving is difficult

    - Sensitivity to light. And boy is it intense -  there are times when ALL I can do is close myself in a dark room.

    - My migraines are interesting. Because when I first started getting them the pain started at my forehead and then the pain impacted my entire head. Sometimes the pain would be worse on one side of my head, than the other. (My first migraine I was at work, the whole day I had a disconnected feeling and aura), and then the headache hit and I literally thought I was going to die - that it was a tumor or something. My father had to pick me up from work to TAKE me to emergency, I had to COVER my head because the pain was SO bad and I couldn't have light hitting my face. You wouldn't believe the IV injections it took to get the headache under control.

    - Since a neck injury I find many migraines start at the base of my skull and spread UPWARDS (I still get the aura beforehand) and they're still just as painful, they just start from a different spot.

    - Other symptoms are difficulty forming thoughts and expressing myself (and believe me I normally have NO problem with that), very sensitive to noise. My kids have to keep things perfectly quiet in the house (I know I feel so bad for them - that they have a mom that has to affect their lives with this condition). =(

    - Sometimes I get numbing on one side of my face (I have talked to other migraine sufferers that have that symptom also).

    The good news is there are wonderful NON-narcotic treatments out there. My Neurologist has me a migraine prevention regime (which involves taking meds everyday), but hey if I can live a life with less migraines, I will take the medications. Also, another wonderful medication is Zomig (again NON-narcotic), that if you take early enough - when the aura is occurring it can stop the headache all together.

    I hope this helps. =)

  3. for me I get:

    dull but strong pain that starts in the frontal lobe then down the back of my head and neck....

    light sensitive

    noise sensitive

    nausea and sometimes vomiting

    I hope you feel better, sometimes caffeine

    or Excedrin helps

  4. migraines are when usually your head hurts only one one side of the head badly almost like a throbbing pain. when you have a migraine you become sensitive to light you are sensitive to smells (like wine or other strong smelling things) whenever you get a migraine you dont want to talk, because it only hurts worse, all you want to do is lay down.

  5. a bad headache.

  6. The two symptoms I get that tell me I'm going to get a migraine are that I become sentive to light indoor or outdoor it doesn't seem to matter and I start to become nausea and feel as if I'm going to vomit all of a suddenn when I was feeling fine a minute ago...

    Migraines effect people in strange ways not everyone will have the same symtoms.

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