
What are the symptoms of dyslexia?

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What are the symptoms of dyslexia?




  1. I am dyslexic, and I can tell you that there is no set, or standard symptoms of dyslexia.

    That being said, some symptoms might be:

    Writing backwards.  Not just backwards, but more like a mirror image.

    Slow reading, and low comprehension of what is read.  

    Most dyslexics complain that the words seem to float on the page, or move.  That doesn't happen to me, but rather words from other sentences seem to slip into the sentence I'm reading.  I have never heard anyone describe this.

    It took me a long time to figure out what was actually going on.  When I read, my eye will skip down and read a word from a different sentence, insert it into the sentence I'm reading, and my brain has to make sense out of what I've just read.   Finally I figured it out what was going on.  

    There is hope.  I've found that reading a computer monitor is much easier for me, than words on paper.

    A monitor is brightly lit, and it's at eye level.

    This makes things much easier to focus on, and see.   Eliminating shadows, and ill lit pages, makes a big difference.

    Also, for me, I can highlight sentences with my mouse.   This forces my eye to follow along in only one sentence.  It's perfect.

    There is also talk of having an Audio form of dyslexia.  This actually makes sense to me too.  

    No pun intended, but read up on dyslexia, and it will help you out.

  2. • a noticeable difference between the pupil's ability and their actual achievement;

    • a family history of learning difficulties;

    • difficulties with spelling;

    • confusion over left and right;

    • writing letters or numbers backwards;

    • difficulties with math/s;

    • difficulties with organizing themselves;

    • difficulty following 2- or 3-step instructions

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