
What are the symptoms of pms?

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just wanted to know i think i might be getting it




  1. Drastic mood swings... cramps... feeling bloated... it's usually different for everyone... personally, I don't get cramps, I just get really crabby and start to snap at people. Also, my self esteem is very easy to break during pms, and I can cry at things I normally don't cry about. Like a sad commercial or story or song can make me cry. I remember once I was listening to Heaven (the 9/11 version) by DJ Sammy and I just bawled.

    Good luck!

  2. PMS is a very over rated malady. All one needs to cure it is a bottle of midol or a good antidepressant (if they care to go that far) and it is controllable.

    I do suspect we all suffered at one time or other from bloating, cramps, bad attitude, and the "I don't wannas" . Some of those are not bad, but when they all come together they are the total pits.

    I always got extra exercise in when those started and they went away really fast.

  3. Bloating (water weight gain), cramps, constipation, and most of all, extreme irritability (bitchiness).  I used to feel like the inside of my skin was itchy and I couldn't scratch it.  There are PMS formula vitamins which help a lot.  They have herbs in them which help, but the most important ingredient is vitamin B6, which is a natural diueretic and a mood stimulant.

  4. Hi,

    There are over 200 symptoms which have been linked to PMS. These are the more common ones:

    > Abdominal bloating

    > Abdominal cramps

    > Breast tenderness or swelling

    > Stress or anxiety

    > Aggression

    > Trouble falling asleep (insomnia)

    > Joint or muscle pain

    >Inability to finish thoughts

    > Headache

    > Fatigue

    > Acne

    > Extreme tearfulness

    > Unpredictable bursts of anger.

    > Mood swings

    > Worsening of existing skin disorders, and respiratory (eg, allergies, infection) or eye (bulbar disturbances, conjunctivitis) problems

    Most women may seem miserable while having their period such as getting stomach aches, cramps, mood swings etc but PMS is when the symptoms are getting into aspects of your life such as you're constantly crying, upset and something is always hurting while on your period. My Mom has it but her mood swings are worst, once my Dad told a joke and she started to laugh and then she started crying and then my Dad and I were like 'WTF!?' Oh yes, and my Mom feels very tired all the time during her period as well as she gets mad a lot for simple things.  

  5. bloating..fatigue... i get emotionally upset and anxious, too :-(

  6. Well let's see, you'll have cramps (some will be worse then others), and then there's bloating (although, I can never tell). And of course, there's the period. But other then that, you will have a period. But if you haven't started in about a week, them you should go and see a doctor.

    For painful cramps: take some pain reliever, a hot bath or put a heating pads on your tummy.

    Hope I help!

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