
What are the taboos in your culture?

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Im doing a research about taboos around the world for my sociology class.

If you know of any, specifically from your own culture, please write your country name (if its religion based, then also include your religion) and the taboo itself. explanations (be it your own) are greatly accepted.. Thanks




  1. Men who sleep with men

  2. Well I'm African American and this maybe a bit silly but honestly in my culture there is a taboo about wearing flip-flops or opentoed shoes especially without socks. I know it sounds a little ridiculous but it's like if a guy wears open toed shoes he has to wear socks, if you walk around with like sandals and flip-flops on and no socks it's seen as being feminine or emasculine, it's a weird but true.

  3. Crimes against children are taboo in almost every culture.

  4. incest is a taboo

  5. People in my religion (Jewish religion) are not supposed to mark their bodies with tatoos due to being in the holocaust and having their bodies "marked" against their will.

  6. I am Puerto Rican and we tend to be a

    "hush-hush" culture.  family business stays in the family. For example--utilizing outside resouces such as mental health professionals for issues such as alcholism, drug use, is unheard of.

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