
What are the tattoo symbol's for 'change', 'progress' and 'determination'?

by  |  earlier

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I need help. Sources would be great aswell, I've whacked my brains out and don't have a clue!




  1. a koi swimming "upstream" is a symbol for determination. cliche, yes. still a good tattoo

    also, butterflys are symbols of change

  2. it probably wouldnt be a cool looking tattoo, but i think a straight line with an arrow at the end. it shows  progress and change because it got from point a to point b and it alos shows determination because it is a straight line and doesnt waver.  

  3. progress - a garden path, or stair way/steps maybe

    footprints on a beach

    or a dark tunnel leading in to the light or something like that

    change- butterflies are what first comes to mind

    since they go from worm to butterfly

    determination- hmmm that's got me stumped

    i'm picturing a child jumping up to catch a balloon stuck just out of reach, like maybe stuck in a tree branch

    or a flower trying to push out of a bit of snow to bloom

  4. haha, there are a lot. go to google images and put "symbol for change" and etc. thatll help u out and start to give u ideas.

  5. Well, since you didn't find anything in your brain, then maybe you should look elsewhere! Google, library, outside, the zoo, your family, the scrapbook, your room, your past, your likes and loves.

    You need to put a little more effort into this. I get the impression that you said to yourself, 'oooh, I want a tattoo! Cool! ahhhhh... what do I get???

    ... ahhhhh, I don't know, so I'll have Yahoo7Answers do all my work for me!!"

    So, here you are.

    Come back after truly thinking about it for 6 months to a year, then we will be glad to be of assistance.

  6. Change:


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