
What are the teen programs like on cruise ships?

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Are the programs actually fun and you meet new people, or are they too structured, strict, and not worth it? I've been on a cruise before but I ignored the teen program and went on my own path. Im going on one in the summer and I am thinking of whether or not to join it.




  1. I have never acutally been to a teen program before, but it sounds pretty boring. I think you did the right thing last time and stayed on your own path. If you really want to learn more about them contact your cruise line or go on their web site.

  2. what cruise line are you going on carnival cruise lines has a nice program

  3. The teens clubs are actually pretty cool on cruises. I know a lot of teens don't usually want to go cause they don't think it will be fun/cool, but I think you should always check it out and look at the daily activities they will offer.

    THe biggest thing on a cruise is to not miss the first activities they offer in the kids clubs. If you don't go to the "get to know you" activities, then you will feel a little out of place if you just show up later in the week. This is where you get to know everyone, what they are like, etc. From that point on, it makes things a little easier. Even if you don't like the teen programs that well, you may find some kids you want to hang out with outside of the club.

    The teen programs are usually more of a hang out type thing than a baby-sitting thing like many kids may think. Sometimes they have them to feel more like a coffee house, or in the case of Carnival it is a club theme, I believe. They have different activites, things like sports, games, dances, watching movies, video games,  things like that. They may also offer parties or just "hanging-out" around the ship. A lot of times they have late-night activities offered as well. The nice thing about the teens club is that you have a little more freedom than younger kids do. You don't have to have an adult to sign you in and out, so you can come and go as you please. If you make a friend, or several, you can go to the show, eat, etc. on your own. So it can be a lot of fun.

    There are usually a lot of tears on the last night of the cruise. Many times the kids will spend the whole evening together and stay up late into the night before they have to say goodbye. A lot of good friendships can happen on a cruise, so you definitely don't want to miss out on a good time.

    One cruise I took with my sister she decided she didn't want to go. It was our first time on that particular ship, can't remember which one that the time, but anyway. She went to the teen area one time, looked around a little and then decided it wasn't for her. The rest of the week she didn't even look at the daily activities that were planned. When we got home, I was just looking through the activities sheet and it all looked like a lot of fun, and she was a little dissapointed she hadn't gone to anything. Needless to say, she went to the teen program the second time on the ship and went to the programs from that point on.

    I've included a link to Cruise Critic, you can look up info on your ship and get more info on the teen club. The site provides info on each specific ship, so it won't be so generic and it will be geared more for your cruise. You can also go to the message board and ask questions about the teen club, you may even find some other members that will be on the ship at the same time, that is your age and you can hang out with. I've also included links to Carnival's site about the teen programs.

    If you still aren't sure about the teen club, just check it out, you may be surprised.

  4. Go for the teen program!  The teens I've known who didn't end up being a little bored.  Cruise ships, unfortunately, isn't designed with teens in mind.

    Carnival Victory...  from what I read, "teens enjoy 214-foot water slides, 24-hour pizzerias and video arcades."  From what I hear it's not too structured and strict - there's lots of gab time for when you meet others yet there's a bunch of things to do when you want it.  Think of it as camp...

    And hey, if it's boring, at least you can complain about it with your new found friends!!!

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